
Welcome to Morton’s Grove!

Halloween S'mores Party

Halloween S'mores Party


I have been dying to make homemade marshmallows for years.  


Seriously, it's one of the first things I pinned like 7 years ago but they seemed intimidating. And you need gelatin and for some reason that freaked me out. But I did it! And it inspired a marshmallow roasting, s'mores building autumn festival. 


Homemade mallows are pretty sticky and VERY flammable so they didn't photograph well during the 'ole roasting sesh. They pretty much immediately melted off of the sticks. We resorted to these cutie pumpkin shaped guys. Ruthie was a big fan of standing really far away from the fire and launching them in. 


On her first Halloween, we watched this terrible Keanu Reeves movie and made chili and caramel corn. Last year, Ruthie stayed with my mom and dad while I went to a Halloween party dressed as a super pregnant lady wearing a witch hat. With Ruthie being two, I feel sort of awkward this Halloween. She kind of understands trick-or-treating, but she would be super fine with just talking and reading about it, not actually participating.


SO even though Ruthie prooobably doesn't care much about Halloween this year, my sister and I have always loved it so we will be taking her trick-or-treating around our hometown. If you have babes or kids too young to be begging to go trick or treating, throw a little s'mores party tonight to get in the spirit.

I followed Ina's marshmallow recipe and added a vanilla bean right after removing the boiling mixture from the heat. 

I Joined a BLW Facebook Group (and it kind of freaked me out)

I Joined a BLW Facebook Group (and it kind of freaked me out)

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